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Good Samaritan isn’t a blanket protection. If you have ANY knowledge or training you can be sued anyway. Unfortunately due to that law and others things, there’s absolutely no way I’m touching or helping anyone. Blame the litigious American society

Do you have any examples? The few states I just read through (Washington, New York, Colorado) have explicit carveouts for the situation you're describing as long as they had no professional obligation to the patient.

Here's Colorado's:

> Any person licensed as a physician and surgeon under the laws of the state of Colorado, or any other person, who in good faith renders emergency care or emergency assistance to a person not presently his patient without compensation at the place of an emergency or accident, including a health care institution as defined in section 13-64-202 (3), shall not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions made in good faith as a result of the rendering of such emergency care or emergency assistance during the emergency, unless the acts or omissions were grossly negligent or willful and wanton. This section shall not apply to any person who renders such emergency care or emergency assistance to a patient he is otherwise obligated to cover.

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