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Using FDWs on a daily basis I fully realize their power and appeal but at this exclamation I paused and thought - is this really how we think today? That reading a CSV file directly is a cool feature, state of the art? Sure, FDWs are much more than that, but I would assume we could achieve much more with Machine Learning, and not even just the current wave of LLMs.

Why not have the machine consider the data it is currently seeing (type, even actual values), think about what end-to-end operation is required, how often it needs to be repeated, make a time estimate (then verify the estimate, change it for the next run if needed, keep a history for future needs), choose one of methods it has at its disposal (index autogeneration, conversion of raw data, denormalization, efficient allocation of memory hierarchy, ...). Yeah, I'm not focusing on this specific one billion rows challenge but rather what computers today should be able to do for us.

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