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Thanks for the kind words about OptaPlanner. We've forked OptaPlanner as Timefold. We don't have a wedding seating example in timefold-quickstarts, yet.

Someone did an wedding seating planning implementation 10 years ago: https://github.com/juanignaciosl/wedding-tables-planner but that's going to be very stale (still DRL files etc). It's probably better to start from the school-timetabling use-case in timefold-quickstarts and adjust that to your needs.

Thanks a lot for all the development of Optaplanner over the years! Your work is really amazing and valuable.

If you want to give Timefold a try locally - it should about twice as fast, still the open source version - try our single Maven or Gradle command on your codebase: https://timefold.ai/upgrade-optaplanner-to-timefold

If you're interested in writing a blog around your Wedding Seating Planner (it looks very cool!), ping me on LinkedIn and we'll happily push it on our socials.

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