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Universities Are Prioritizing Their Health Systems over Teaching (politico.com)
9 points by kendriklampar 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

US health insurance companies are the biggest parasites on the planet, dwarfing even the military industrial complex, and likely causing at least the same amount of indirect deaths as the actual weapons.

Not any other industry in the history of civilization has been built entirely on a denial of service to the customer.

The issue in the article is just 1 small symptom of this cancerous disease.

This article focuses on how money allocated (by universities) to non-study functions such as hospitals results in university management being much more docile and less principled. There's another interesting antitrust take on this, (the link mentions antitrust only in respect to health insurance, but the monopoly angle here is much broader than that): https://www.thebignewsletter.com/p/how-to-crush-the-ivy-leag...

The full title was too long for HN. Here it is:

Universities Are Prioritizing Their Health Systems Over Teaching. That’s Killing Academic Freedom

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