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colinprince 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite

As much as I don't think anyone I know would use Oracle Cloud, the reasons in this blog post are far from ones I'd consider. The author of this post is annoyed that they have to pay even 1 cent for their app.

Pretty bad plan in general - but expecting free money from Oracle!?!

I don't like Oracle Cloud, but not for the reasons described in this article.

For me, it seemed like none of the documentation was written at a native English level, which made things confusing.

The Oracle Cloud platform is really lacking any passion, it's like the whole thing was designed by project managers who don't really understand the development ecosystem.

You get what you're paying for. Choosing hosting providers mainly by their price, will get you to the cheapest one. Guess how they make it cheap? By cutting on staff (also by moving the data center to a country with lower wages) and hardware and internet and backup power etc.

This same author says he wouldn’t consider AWS at gunpoint - which pretty accurately depicts his lack of experience with public clouds.

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