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Duolingo's Layoff: AI Takeover, Impacting Human Translators (digialps.com)
19 points by trelane 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

"In conclusion, Duolingo’s decision to replace human translators with AI is a significant development in the era of AI takeover. While it may lead to job losses in the short term, it could also pave the way for new opportunities in the future. As we navigate this new landscape, it’s crucial for individuals and businesses alike to stay informed and adapt accordingly."

Was this written by ChatGPT?

I heard it on Mastodon first, but there was not much there. I was searching for confirmation, and this was the best summary I could find; there's not a lot on it so far.

Some more discussion about the reddit thread mentioned in the article here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38817550

As someone learning a second language as an adult, AI is an extremely interesting subject when it comes to this topic. We now have pretty good proof that LLMs are really good at having plausible conversations. The grammar is usually correct even if the content of the sentence is completely false. As a learner, this is great! I have an unlimited amount of access to novel stories and conversations with just a few prompts.

When your business is focused on generating these interesting learning materials though, it’s completely against the interests of the employees currently creating this content. Duolingo does not need super articulate, Shakespearean levels of storytelling. Even today, go to any language learning subreddit, and goin back years, the sentences and stories on duolingo are sometimes comedically bad in terms of real world use and grammatical efficacy.

It’s tough. I feel for the employees at these companies, but at the same time, to learn effectively, you need an insane amount of material at a very specific skill level. Generating this content is not easy for humans, but it’s almost effortless for an LLM. “Here’s a list of 2k words; write a story at an A2 level about this topic using past, present, and future tenses.” This is what this technology was designed to do.

Interesting times!

"Handmade translations can also bring a level of authenticity and creativity..."

Is creativity (and so subjectivity) something that valuable ? Or is it a risk of adapting context from translator views ?

Signs of things to come at a broader level in 2024.

This is only going to increase the job crisis

That is interesting and scary

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