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Swift Shift makes moving/resizing windows on macOS much easier and faster (swiftshift.app)
3 points by pablopunk 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I just found this on Reddit.

yep, that's me. Did u try the app?

Looking for those tiny arrows or title bars always felt broken to me. With Swift Shift I can just assign a keyboard shortcut for the window to follow my mouse

Been trying this out for the last few hours, other than a minor issue associated with screenshots, this is awesome!

Thanks for that! I'll keep investigating the Github issue when I find time

I'm using "Easy Move+Resize". Works great.

yep, a few people mentioned that, I didn't know about it! Although it wouldn't work for me as I want to avoid clicking with the mouse (easier for trackpad use)

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