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It looks like we are both arguing with ourselves from a decade ago, so at least we share that common ground :)

Candidly, I don't know how constructive this conversation is at this point; given that you've mentioned "I also only have so many hours in the day, frankly not nearly enough as it is to do my work and take care of my family, and I don't want to spend any of them trying to figure out how to mentor people who send broken code for review without bothering to first figure out why it doesn't work how they expected and how to fix it" I find it hard to believe that being one of the best builders in the world is really your goal or that coding is anything more than a vocation for you rather than a calling. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it's going to mean we will simply talk past each other having two completely different conversations.

However, my advice is for those who are not content to be good enough at writing software to maintain a stable job in tech until retirement, but for those who want to go above and beyond that, and stop at nothing to be the best of the best and reap the rewards, internal fulfillment, and sense of purpose that comes with that. Realistically that isn't and it shouldn't be most the goal of most early stage engineers in the field -- it's an expensive goal that even if attained only will make a very specific kind of person (like myself) fulfilled. Your advice is likely good for the former category, while mine would be poor.

For those in the latter category, I'll contextualize my advice based on the this very well written blog post by Dan Luu about the difference between p95 proficiency and p99 mastery. You can sum up my argument as stating that overreliance on debuggers (and other tools such as IDEs) is absolutely something that you see in p95s that you don't see in p99s. P99s can utilize debuggers, IDEs and other tools but it doesn't materially affect how quickly they can execute because of how well trained, fast and accurate their "mental math" flavored problem solving ability already is [1]. If you're curious, please take a look through the linked blog post and see how much you agree with it.

[1] https://danluu.com/p95-skill/

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