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Spot on. The mind often needs time and space to breathe, especially after it's been focused and bearing down on something. We're humans, not machines. Creativity (i.e., problem solving) needs to be nurtured. It can't be force fed.

More time working doesn't translate to being more effective and more productive. If that were the case then why are a disproportionate percentage of my "Oh shit! I know what to do to solve that..." in the shower, on my morning run, etc.?

I love those moments. Your brain has worked on it in the background like a ‘bombe’ machine cracking the day’s enigma code. And suddenly “ding… the days code is in!”

You might like the book "Your Brain on Work" by Dr David Rock. In fact, I'm due for a re- read.


I agree to some extent. Though, I don't think it has to be a trade-off though. After a sub-5 second compile time, I go over to get a coffee to ponder the results of the compile rather than imagine what those results might be. Taking time to think is not mutually exclusive to a highly responsive dev process.

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