Thomas Edison was terrified by alternating current because it could destroy his company...... OpenAI, opss ClosedAI don't like all open source projects that are coming out so they ask if governments can stop them because they are *dangerous*
Saying it's the "elites" who care is a thought terminating cliche designed to make you not think about how the rest of us (Commoners?) feel. Are the small hobbyist artists the elite? The programmers angry about the use of their GPL'd code?
Perhaps a better question is, why are the elites so obssessed with promoting AI?
Oh look there's more! The vague gesturing towards our crumbling NHS (accurate statement) as if that somehow means we can't talk about AI as well. And then it goes on the describe what is essentially the "paperclip maker" thought experiment in the most ridiculous way so you don't think about it.
I stopped reading there, this could hardly be called journalism. Guess reader funding doesn't stop bias, just shifts it.
This is an extremely disingenious answer. The cognitive skills and reasoning ability of AI models improve quite rapidly, possibly even faster than the now 5-year-old improves, but certainly faster than the average human gets better at thinking.
LLMs statistically generate text that sounds fine, grammatically and semantically but they have no idea of the underlying reality that the language describes. The text they produce is not evidence of cognitive skills and cannot be trusted as being factual.
As examples, LLMs have agreed to sell a new car for $1 and suggested drinking bleach as a cure for the common cold. A lot of 5 years olds have a much better handle on reality.