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prmph 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite

I don’t want him to be president either, but this is some tyrannical horseshit. He should be rejected from the presidency by the voters, not by the courts.

> I don’t want him to be president either, but this is some tyrannical horseshit.

How is enforcing the Constitutional eligibility criteria for office “tyrannical horseshit”?

> He should be rejected from the presidency by the voters

If you disagree with Constitutional disqualification, sell your idea to a sufficient number of people to get the Constitution changed; until then, there are very good reasons that space on the ballot should not be taken up with Constitutionally-barred candidates. More critical on the general than the primary, but enforcing the rule at the primary prevents is to the benefit of the party whose nominee might otherwise be disqualified in the general after the voting in primaries.

states don't have the authority to adjudicate federal law questions. The state is in this case effectively attempting to create a finding based on federal law that it has no authority to create.

Then there's the sticky problem of the fact that he was actually indicted for the crime and acquitted of it, which throws an entirely separate wrench in the state mechanism, because now she is saying she can override a federal senate decision on guilt or innocence because of how she feels about it.

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