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Nvidia's H100 GPUs will consume more power than some countries (tomshardware.com)
7 points by alex_young 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

"at 61% annual utilization, an H100 GPU would consume approximately 3,740 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity annually"

Given that a tyical car consumes about 80 KwH per 100 km, and cars do about 20k km average per year, you run about 4 to 5 H100's per car.

The artcle then goes on to compare total consumption of the GPU:s to the houshold electricity consumption of Phoenix Arizona. This city has around 591,000 households and an average of 2 cars er household. At rougly 1.2 million cars in Phoenix Arizona, the cars in that city alone consume more energy than 5 million H100's. Which is around 3x the estimate for H100's that will be sold worldwide in 2024.

I've yet to find a clickbait artcle or a Microsoft spokesperson lamenting on how Phoenix residents cars consume more energy than the entirety of some countries

80? My ev does 15.5 kWh per 100km.

I think that’s an energy conversion for petrol vehicles.

Yes, that is what it was.

Phoenix would be the 125 most populous country in the world, more than some countries.

How much productivity do the GPUs contribute?

Maybe a good metric to have is productivity/watt?

That probably depends very much on how you measure it, no? A year or so ago, using your GPU to mint NFTs was extremely 'productive'. If that same activity were measured now, much less so.

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