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For annotating and adding a hand drawn signature to PDFs, preview really is the best: lightweight, straightforward, free, comes with the OS. I don’t know any comparable app for Linux (or windows although I rarely use it)

https://simplePDF.eu will be the closest « Preview-like » experience on Linux (and any OS really).

It’s local only (the document you load and data you fill in never leave the browser) and free

Disclosure: I’m the developer behind it

Any plans on implementing redaction?

If the background is white, it’s already possible: https://simplepdf.eu/help/faq/how-to-add-background

For other colors, it’s in the backlog!

(I’d aiming to automatically provide the correct color by inspecting pixels within the area to redact, to make it as simple as possible)

Yeah but hiding the information versus removing it is two different things. By hiding it, the information is still there but hidden.

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