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The Magic of Christmas Day (God Bless Us Everyone) by Celine Dion and Dee Snider (songfacts.com)
25 points by walterbell 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

  [Snider] recalled to the Talk Is Jericho podcast, "The first thing I said was, 'Does she know who wrote it? Do not tell her Satan wrote a Christmas song!'"

  In 1999 Dion and Rosie O'Donnell redid the song as a duet on the talk show host's A Rosie Christmas album ... "I'm sitting at home watching it, my wife's crying, and I'm thinking 'This is just too much,' " Snider recalled to The Washington Post. "At the end, the camera pulls away and they're broadcasting into Times Square with Rosie and Celine and the children's choir holding candles, singing 'God Bless Us Everyone …"

  "I just wanted to pop out from behind the curtain: It's me! It's me! Merry Christmas!"

Dion & O'Donnell (1999), https://youtube.com/watch?v=8U0dFNryi80

Snider & Hale (2020), https://youtube.com/watch?v=WQBCgjwreG8

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