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Hackers use six-year old Microsoft Office bug to spread Agent Tesla (scmagazine.com)
22 points by LinuxBender on Dec 25, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I've been considering purchasing Msft Office non-cloud - and wonder if there is a way to install it in a sandbox kind of way?

I'd like to be able to open it and use it if needed, I'd be fine launching a new profile and not having it populate the right click menus and such - but the tiny bit that I would use it is not worth the updates and chasing the security and bugs tails.. maybe I just need a completely separate laptop to install it on and keep it separated?

If I pay for the license can I install on shadowpc in the cloud and not have to worry about 'too many activations' or whatever if I destroy that cloud and spinup another instance next month or get a new laptop.

random thoughts maybe someone else has already found answers to?

You could install it in a VM on linux. Or in a VM in WSL ;)

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