Education has been trying to kill the "ge/gij" form for decades by ignoring its existence. In Flanders, they are not really succeeding. Everybody still uses it in spoken form. However, the number of people knowing how to conjugate it properly in written form is decreasing. "Gij hadt" fe, is correct but rarely encountered .
Do you know why education is trying to do this? I find that as it infiltrates business communication that it encourages a language that sounds like we're friends. We're not. I'm a person. You're a company who is overcharging me for basic things like internet. No need for informal cosy language.
(now try the past tense, there's plenty of weird stuff with strong verbs "zijn"
becomes "Gij waart").
To answer the question: everything language related is dominated by the Dutch. Take fe dictionaries. Van Dale dominates the market and has a habit of annotating everything that's not considered "proper" Dutch as "Belg.Nl."
I have a feeling Flemish Dutch and Dutch Dutch were more one language in the 1970s than now. They're drifting apart.