| | My Hacker News morning ritual | |
14 points by lygten on Dec 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
| | A morning habit I've acquired is to browse through HN posts first thing, often with that first cup of coffee. I don't look at the most read or top ranked or most popular. I go straight to the NEW. Here I often find little gems that people overlook and that often vanish into obscurity, as no doubt this post will. Enjoy the holiday period. |
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I have tried using an autopager extension in order to get a digest for the day, mainly to peruse later without having to click on "more"
My "problem" is probably that my mind seems to want to scan vast amounts of information at once, and that a video or paginated information seems to have gaps in it that the mind wants to fill in.
So, my Hacker News habit is more like taking a newspaper (what's that?) along on the train (I used to do that!) than watching a talking head on TV read a limited amount of articles, not of my choice on the tube. (The TV is somewhere in my hardware museum.)
Cheers, everyone who scans it all.