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SolarisKit (solariskit.com)
13 points by belter 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The website doesn't list a single number anywhere. Nothing about degrees, wattage, hours, anything. How hot does it heat water, how much sun is needed, how much water can it heat, how long does it take to heat, how long does it stay hot, prices, literally nothing actually about the product. The website is completely, pure, 100%, marketing fluff.

What a weird world we live in. If you want to advertise a project, in a sane, logical, world full of reasonable people, you would just list such things. You'd actually provide the details of what you're selling. But not so in our current society.

I guess the idea is you contact them and they (hopefully) send you more details, but no thanks.

inside story here is that it's a bunch of cruft

I'm confused. Did the people who put this together not know about Solaris? If I ran a company offering dance lessons, and called it Mustango, I'd expect to hear from Ford. I presume that Oracle has lawyers...

I think Stanislaw Lem might trump Mr Ellison's Legal minions at least..

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