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The first word that comes to mind when I hear CompuServe is, 'gif'.

I did graphic art and software would always refer to the gif format as 'Compuserve GIF'.

The open-source community was pushing PNG because CompuServe was (right or wrong) being fussy about owning the gif patent and wanted more parties to pay for the pleasure of generating gifs.

It wasn’t CompuServe that had the patent. The gif format uses LZW, which was patented by Unisys. I remember having to get a special option on some vendor’s toolkit to unlock the GIF handling. Either an add on or you had to go license from Unisys.

Thanks. I knew I was fuzzy on it. That sounds right.

To this day I remember coming across something on Compuserve ~1990 explaining GIF and how it is pronounced. Like the peanut butter.

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