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I have been colonized with "mostly" dormant MRSA for a couple years now. The idea of ever needing surgery terrifies me because I know I could die from a flareup in the "weakened" part of my body.

I tried fighting it in the past but the stomach damage from long treatment regiments just wasn't worth it, not to mention the risk of getting reinfected from my home. I hope a non-harmful and reliable cure is available someday.

Interesting - how is it not outcompeted by regular staph? Wouldn't it be over a long enough time period without introducing it to methicillin?

I didn't pick up regular staph -- I picked up an already moderately resistant strain that became more resistant due to treatments stopped too-early due to both allergic reactions (my issue), illness/vomiting due to collapsed "stomach biome" (my issue), and undersized prescription lengths (doctors issue).

Recently, a combination of b. infantis EVC001 and HMOs was used to stably reverse dysbiosis in adults [1].

I take that probiotic, sold as Evivo in the US, and Layer Origin 2’FL HMO and use it with my children.

1. https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/fulltext/S1931-3128(2...

MRSA is everywhere now, so being colonized by it is pretty much the norm. Most S. aureus is MRSA in many parts of the world.

Are there no phage treatments for MRSA yet?

I could probably get decolonized by simultaneously hospitalizing myself, my family, and bleaching everything we own while we get pumped with heavy anti-biotic cocktails -- But that just isn't worth it to me.

Phage treatments are nothing like that. They are viruses that target specific strains of bacteria. So if someone has produced a phage for your specific strain you would only need to take the phage with no nasty antibiotic side effects. Going to the hospital and taking a antibiotic cocktail seems like the perfect way to get more antibiotic resistant bacteria.

How did you find out you'd been colonized?

Is there no way to purge it? (Isopropyl bath?)

Turns out the colonists don’t get along with the natives, and yes, soaking your organs in antiseptic would indeed take care of it!

Yep. Its inside me :)

Where is the colonization?

His body.

Which sector?

Build more Polymers.

tried fasting?

Unfortunately, as a practicing Muslim, I can report that doesn't help much. On the plus side, my infection doesn't flare up too often -- And when it does, I have some mitigations I usually take to get it to taper off.

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