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Show HN: Create and deploy multi-page web app prototypes using chat (github.com/gpt-engineer-org)
17 points by fabhed 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments
gptengineer.app lets you prototype, deploy and iterate on web apps using plain english. Here is a video of how I use it: https://www.loom.com/share/abda1d8e33134d0e944297afd3a51664

We designed it around the principles:

1. Leverage LLMs where they work best: LLMs are faster than humans at putting together prototypes of a few hundred lines of code. By using them early on, and give high level change request commands when the project is small, and then let human devs take over, it’s a productivity boost.

2. non-technical + programmer collaboration: All changes from the app is made as git commits, so that non-technical people (via chat) and programmers are able to contribute to the same code.

LLMs are expensive, but we left it open over the christmas holidays for anyone to try it out: https://run.gptengineer.app/

Would love to hear what you think!

Love where you are taking this project.

Any insights on the languages and frameworks supported ?

We played with a few different ones and letting the user decide.

For now the focus is to add more capabilities one pretty industry standard, but “AI first” tech stack.

Cool idea, appreciate you leaving it open to play around with :)

Looks pretty amazing! Can't wait to try it myself

It’s open access as a Christmas gift right now!

Anton, Fabian's cofounder here.

Happy to help answer any questions!

Here is some more info about the project:


This is very cool. Thanks for sharing!

interesting, what are the most common usecases so far?

Web apps that require more logic/interactivity than what is doable in traditional no-code editors

Highly reccommend!!!

Happy you liked it

looks sick!


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