Its wrong that the Raspberry Pi foundation hasn't had a preemptive stock of product for the consumers. The idea was a cheap economical computing unit, not this clusterf*ck.
Cost risk benefit... potential losses are made on the initial release but greater media attention and PR is placed upon the product itself to in turn increase the demand for future sales. In lieu of 'not having an Apple Store but wanting to generate significant buzz' solution.
Its a longer term-view (hampered mainly by stifling manufacturing) and a risky one considering the fragility of this industry where the 'faster gun' is made not in years in a factory but in months by enthusiasts/developers in their spare time, But who knows maybe their strategy only intended for this PR stunt to occur enough times to build up enough interest and then miraculously begin to take orders on a 'newly-arrived' supply.
I might buy one second-hand... if it comes up locally. I don't need a media center, but it was geared to be a stepping stone for programming, right?