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It's so off putting I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I wouldn't even curiously browse a landing page of an otherwise interesting project beyond the point I notice that something is mildly "cryptocurrency-adjacent", or it becomes obvious that it has involvement from devs who also enjoy working on blockchains. Thanks for the heads up.

Same sentiment here. Something to compete with YouTube would be great but I'm not going anywhere near anything crypto related, the whole ecosystem stinks to me.

I can honestly report that big majority of Nostr users are very much against "crypto". Just ask on nostr "Do people here support crypto and all the various blockchains?" and you will see for yourself.

It shouldn’t really be much of a surprise though that people hacking on decentralized value transfer where identity is asserted using asymmetric key cryptography were the ones coming up with the idea to use a similar approach for information transfer.

Can I ask why?

Beyond the "crypto grift," a blockchain-based social network might offer some benefits:

- permissionless - (no moderation)

- means for auto solvency - (we are not the product)

- interoperability - (multiple clients, forks, etc.)

- privacy


"no moderation", massive problem. I'm not hosting my (admittedly limited) content on a platform that lets my videos get posted in proximity to scams, CSAM etc. If I'm going to ask people to go to somewhere to see my videos (again, admittedly limited) then I'm not going to want them to be stumbling across that stuff.

YouTube isn't getting it right, they're allowing bad shit (poor quality, scams, excessive shrieking) and taking people down for spurious DMCA takedowns, but the answer isn't "no moderation at all", that's not the problem.

As a user I don't sign up to somthing because it allows anything, doesn't take anything down, I sign up beacause it has the things I want to watch. I'm not a character in cryptonomicon or snow crash.

More precisely, I mean no "centralized moderation."

You can moderate at client level whatever you want.

There could be shared lists of non-acceptable users/content based on your world views (like AdBlock but for users).

And the joke’s in the fact that Nostr is not even blockchain based. It’s basically Bitcoin devs’ response to the whole Web3 thing demonstrating that you don’t need a blockchain and a shitcoin to have a decentralized, permission-less, censorship resistant social network.

You can't brush off the "crypto grift" though. That's the sticking point, and it's a very big one.

Nostr is extremely anti-crypto and pro-bitcoin. The trouble is that most people don't appreciate the distinction, they will in time but at this stage, without deeply researching and understanding the topic, most just include bitcoin in the snake pit of "cRyptO"

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