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Court of Justice of the EU Rules That Fear May Constitute Damage Under the GDPR (databreaches.net)
2 points by CTOSian 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Note for Americans, many EU countries do not have any concept similar to Tort law under their legal system and thus the damages for fear will not be in danger of being set by appealing to a jury's prejudices in most (and perhaps all?) cases.

As a general rule I believe the American Tort system is one of the great benefits of the system, but people often get prematurely angry about the idea that people might sue companies for damages of this sort, so I just wanted to make this clarification.

What a horrific idea. I am TERRIFIED that the cowardice and insecurities of others may be weaponized. Of all things we must not let our civilization be driven by or based upon “feelings.”

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