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My story of charging in Germany one time a year ago:

The charger requires an app, ok fine. Downloaded the app, had to setup the whole account with my address(UK address was allowed as my address), verify my email, verify my phone number(UK one was accepted), fine, done.

Went to add my payment card - nope, the billing address has a pre-filled country field set to Germany, can't change it. It says ring this number in case of any problems. I ring the number just to hear:

"Sorry, our customer service operators are not available on Sunday. Call back on Monday after 9am".

Imagine if filling up with petrol was such a lottery.

I know it's not quite the problem you are talking about (which would be dealt with by making normal contactless / chip and pin readers a requirement) – but I'd love to see a legal requirement that when your charge point can't contact the piece of shit payment / authentication service the user gets to charge for free. That would soon see an uptick in the reliability of charge points...

thats the only correct eay of dealing with the issue. If you can't maintain infrastructure you failed at your job, why should someone be stranded or freeze to death because of your incompetence

German "Sunday is rest day" at it's best.

If fuel stations are essential(as in allowed to be open on Sundays), then with the EVs becoming the norm so should be the support for these stations.

I'm in the process of deactivating my family Apple One account (they overseas) so I can change app store for few minutes and download all the local apps I need.

I have to wait until end of month so my subscription actually expires, then make sure family sharing is disabled (which already screwed up location sharing). Oh and about 2.5TB of entire generation photos are up to be deleted by Apple if I screw up.

I have literally gotten visas for and worked in another country with greater ease than trying to get my Apple account to work well with local apps in my new country of residence while still allowing me to download and update apps from the first country.

Just trying to move to or be in another country and have the App store actually work properly for local apps (and the ones you want to keep from your original country) is a complete nightmare anyway.

It amazes me that for such a progressive and forward thinking company as Apple, that the very thought that their customers might actually move countries with their device and account seems to have been relegated to 'edge case'.

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