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> it's limited in that you can't bring it all the places that you can bring your eyes.

Why can't you?

> Also, as one improves at reading code a develops a mental debugger that can be brought anywhere your eyes can.

This is definitely true, but that "mental debugger" is susceptible to incorrect assumptions about the runtime state at the point of execution. If this weren't the case, far fewer bugs would be written in the first place, as this mismatch about assumed vs. actual runtime state is where most bugs emerge.

> Why can't you?

Honestly not trying to be rude, but that would be because of how eyes work. The moment you do anything that goes beyond looking at code, is the moment you've met that limitation I described above.

The other part you brought is totally valid, it's just all about tradeoffs. If you prefer using a debugger in situations where I would read the code, then more power to you.

Actually, it's funny, because the original article talked about the One True Way (or whatever his exact wording was), and how we all go through a phase where we discover that for ourselves. I think this thread in a way has been an expression of that concept. Anyways, thanks for your thoughts, I'll remember this next time I'm struggling with the ol' brain debugger ;-)

What do you mean by "because of how eyes work"? When using a debugger, one's eyes mostly remain on the code... I feel like I must just be truly missing what you're trying to say here.

I like your call-out of the "one true way" section. What I was thinking in that section is that my experience, having now traversed a number of "one true ways", is that: 1. Very nearly all tools and techniques are truly useful in some way in some circumstance, and 2. Not all "one true ways" are created equal; some tools and techniques are more useful than others and better stand the test of time.

In my view, using a debugger to understand the runtime state while reading and exercising code (especially when it is unfamiliar) is one of those techniques that is broadly useful and never out of date. But that's not a totalizing view, it isn't the "one true way", obviously nobody only reads code while running it within a debugger, nor should they! But dismissing its utility for this use case of understanding code more deeply is, in my view, just odd.

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