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>Bed sensor is unnecessary to turn off kitchen lights from bed.

"Unnecessary" is entirely a judgement call. Anything more than alligator clips (to make the connection latching) on bare wires to dis/connect the power to the light is arguably "unnecessary".

The whole point of the automation is so you don't have to remember to do it. I'd still have to remember to open the app, or slap the smart button, or whatever. Rolling over to slap the smart button doesn't disrupt my descent to sleep as much as walking out to the kitchen to turn off the light, but it is more disruptive than just falling asleep. This is to say nothing of using a smart speaker, and dealing with the 1-2 punch of waking up enough to say "turn off kitchen lights", and dealing with the consequences that spring from my kids' special sensitivity to my and my wife's voices near bed time.

Again, this isn't for me, but I fully understand the need.

That's fair but what if your wife and/or kids are grabbing a drink from the kitchen and the turned off the lights be getting into bed?

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