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Time is a dependency like any other, so use dependency inversion. (Which I think is advocated by TFA’s approaches 4 and 5.)

Define an interface for timers, which is injected into the object that depends on time. Use a wrapper implementation over the usual timer for the real code; and a simple implementation, which can be controlled parametrically, in the tests.

Dependency injection of just the function you need is good, but is still the second best approach.

The best approach is separating the calling of the external dependency (getting the time) to it's own function, and pass in the results of that call to your main function. Then test your main function. Ie approach 5. This eliminates the need for mocks and creates better factored code.

That works until you have a function that implements timeout and so needs to query time multiple times per invocation.

Agreed, so the preference order is 1. Pass in the data you need 2. Pass in a function that gives you the data you need 3a./3b. Pass in an object (or function like a factory) that gives you the function that gets you the data you need.

> Pass in a function that gives you the data you need

That's basically dependency injection but on a per-method basis. I'd see this as an anti pattern because it makes function calling _way_ more complex and error-prone.

> it makes function calling

First: no, not necessarily. Second: when you limit yourself to function calling, then yes, the problem is more pronounced (but not always there, see 1)

In OOP, you can have factories, or constructors, or even entire design patterns to help solve this. In FP, there are closures, that can solve this exact problem for you: the dependency -e.g. a timekeeper- is captured in the closure.

Dependency injection is, by no means, limited to `do_the_thing(variable, depency1, depency2, dependency3)`.

I see this argument too often used to counter the idea of DI, and it is silly: it shows above all that the person countering the idea has little experience with all the surrounding concepts to support DI.

And that brings me back to 1: There's so much more that can be DI-d: objects can be instantiated with dependencies passed in, factories can do this. There are Actors, Workers, Decorators, Factories. Hell even a superglobal `config.get_timekeeper()` might work in some situations.

The function you pass in can keep track of how many times it’s been called, and provide different values on each call.

This is way way worse than passing in a timer and destroys your ability to write multi threaded code (among other defects).

This is for unit testing. Even if your unit tests run in parallel, each test case will have it's own mocked clock.

This is not even an experimental approach, the mocking of timers is literally one of the canonic examples of the advantages of dependency injection. I have written this exact code multiple times, on my own, or refactoring others people untestable code to this pattern to be able to test them. A couple of times the reason for the refactoring was specifically to demonstrate the existence of race conditions, to have a test case that has the race condition be deterministic so we could fix it and be sure of the fix working.

You can extract the timeout functionality into its own structure then and mock it out during testing.

There's usually a solution of some sort, it might just require a bit of rearranging and extraction of concerns.

That’s basically dependency injection

Yes, that's my point - they're giving an example for why "you can't do it", and I'm saying even for the example they just gave you can.

Create a Timeout class and subscribe to it for a given interval with a callback to what needs to be run. Pass it in as a dependency which can be mocked during testing.

Not sure why the downvotes...

>The best approach is separating the calling of the external dependency (getting the time) to it's own function

That is the FP maximalist approach and many of us reject it.

So no, it is not the best approach.

We use a time provider interface and mock it, and have zero problems with this approach.

The FP maximalist is writing your code in a monad that implements a timer. It looks quite similar to the OOP maximalist people are pushing here.

So, "yes, we're writing the same thing, but because monads I'm still pure and you're not"?

Kinda yes. And technically, it's still pure.

It does fit well a small set of problems and break in surreal nightmarish ways for everything else; just like the OOP's maximalist DI.

It is worse in that you are injecting an entire interpreter instead of just a few functions, but this doesn't create as many problems on practice as it looks like it should. And it's better because idiomatically the injection tends to be explicit and well defined; and if your DI doesn't have at least one of those, it will again break in surreal nightmarish ways.

(And here I have to point out that in OOP-land, web frameworks are allergic to well defined interfaces - what means that you can create one, but if you insist the framework tends to choke and die. So, if you are writing for the web in OOP, there's actually only one option.)

But well, it's not surprising that the maximalist options all break in similar ways.

I used to think this way, but now I believe that any method requiring writing code in a different way than the more natural one for the sake of tests is suboptimal.

People generally call time functions, and a good testing setup should keep your code the same (or mostly the same).

Anything else makes testing less approachable, and requires extra time from developers.

The provider and mocking (or a fake if you got one) approach is probably the best you can get with most programming languages.

The unfortunate aspect is that this only works for code you control.

If you have code you need to run, but has no control over (such as a database library), then you will have issues.

For example, you want to test that an entry in a caching library is indeed expiring entries like you wanted. How do you change the library to consume a time interface, if that library doesn't expose it to you?

You don't. Testing third-party code is beyond the purview of first-party tests.

If you have first-party code that is adjacent to a third-party library in a way that the library hinders testing of that first-party code, you would substitute a (minimal) implementation that you control in for the third-party library while under test.

If the library is open source or similarly code accessible, you would fork it or coordinate control with its stakeholders to see the testing of it in that codebase (and refactor it as necessary to support that). This is where the library needs to ensure it does what the documentation claims. It is not the concern of your application.

Otherwise, if the code is truly beyond your reach, you just have to trust that the vendor's claims are true. If you cannot establish that trust, use a different library that you can trust. Testing concerns are the least of your problems when you have no trust for the library you are using.

> You don't. Testing third-party code is beyond the purview of first-party tests.

Testing third-party code is often well within the purview of first-party integration testing. Aside from validating your code, and your understanding of the documentation, these sometimes incidentally catch third-party bugs. Working around bugs until upstream fixes their code may also be within the purview of first-party code... and perhaps catching regressions even if they've supposedly been fixed.

> Otherwise, if the code is truly beyond your reach, you just have to trust that the vendor's claims are true. If you cannot establish that trust, use a different library that you can trust. Testing concerns are the least of your problems when you have no trust for the library you are using.

We unit test our code because we can't even trust ourselves - nevermind our coworkers, nevermind third party vendors. Granted, unit tests for third party libraries are often worth upstreaming, and you may trust upstream enough to delete your downstream copies of those unit tests once you do...

> Testing third-party code is often well within the purview of first-party integration testing.

Emphasis mine. Exactly? Not unit testing as OP is about and GP claimed (rightly imo) doesn't cover it.

Unless we mean offline integration testing as a mid-tier before system testing; in which case I'd probably mock third party services (and others of my own not under test) personally.

Assuming 'integration test' is being said under a common definition, and not one being made up on the spot, the integration points don't expose third-party code in way that you could even begin to explicitly test them. it is fundamentally impossible. If it were possible, you would have no reason to be writing software – the third-party already did the work for you.

I'm not making up anything on the spot, it's massively overloaded/differently used by different people.

At it's 'lowest' level it's the integration of multiple units: basically anything that covers multiple functions.

The line's also drawn (with the above still being a 'unit test') at the API: so if you exercise your handler code like `views.Widget.post(...)` then it's unit; if you do `requests.post("/api/widget")` it's integration.

And at it's 'highest' level it's used to mean system or end to end testing (depending which of those you you use to mean automated testing of a deployed system).

> At it's 'lowest' level it's the integration of multiple units: basically anything that covers multiple functions.

So, testing...?

   test_unit_1 {

   test_unit_2 {
That's not a use of 'integration' that anyone would ever find useful. If they do, they must not be software developers. 'Integration' adds nothing. But, if this is the definition you have made up on the spot, then, yes, you could use this to explicitly test a third-party library. It is no surprise that you can explicitly test a third-party library using testing.

   test_unit_1 {
But even then, it is not clear why you would meld that into your application's project and not its own project? It has absolutely nothing to do with your first-party application. Logically, that kind of test is best kept in the third-party library's own project.


Perhaps you misspoke and meant a single unit that covers multiple functions?

   test_unit_1 {
But that is also just testing... As soon as you have internal mutable state (every program that does something; not even the FP diehards are able to completely avoid internal mutable state), you are always going to have to call at least two functions – one to mutate the state, another to observe the state afterwards. Here too, 'integration' adds nothing. There is no practical situation where you would ever communicate this as being distinct from the above. If this is it, it is also clearly made up on the spot.


The remaining two I guess say something, albeit flimsily, but obviously do not allow explicit testing of third-party code. Take the second case, since it provides some concrete code. Show us how you would update that code to explicitly test some third-party library. Remember that you said it calls "your handler code". I will wait.

Regarding the first, yes I thought obviously I meant per single unit resp. integration test. And 'covers' meaning what is actually under test.


    test_1 {
        result = waz()
        assert result == 42
is an 'integration test' vs. a 'unit test', according to people using the first definition, exactly when `waz` calls other functions vs. is somewhat pure.

I do not consider that I 'misspoke', but I hope that clarifies it for you.

> The remaining two I guess say something, albeit flimsily, but obviously do not allow explicit testing of third-party code. Take the second case, since it provides some concrete code. Show us how you would update that code to explicitly test some third-party library. Remember that you said it calls "your handler code". I will wait.

Don't wait, because I've no interest in continuing this.

> is an 'integration test' vs. a 'unit test'

I don't get it. There isn't a contention between the two. The definition of unit test is a test that is independent of other tests. That would include any integration test that exists independent of other tests.

Frankly, as far as I can see all tests written in any modern codebase are unit tests. It is not the 1970s anymore. We learned our lessons. Realistically, while the 'unit test' branding may have helped us learn those lessons, it doesn't add anything today. In the modern lexicon, 'test' already implies 'unit test'. They are one in the same.

> I hope that clarifies it for you.

Nope. I honestly have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say there. Sorry.

> Don't wait, because I've no interest in continuing this.

I expected. I wouldn't have interest in trying to show something that is impossible either.

> Testing third-party code is often well within the purview of first-party integration testing.

Not really. While you may end up testing third-party code incidentally in the process of you testing your first-party code, explicit tests directed at third-party code necessarily requires testing implementation details, and testing implementation details is how you get constantly breaking tests every time you try to change something and developers giving up on testing in frustration.

The value proposition of testing is that it documents the user interface in a way that is independent of implementation, allowing you to continue to iterate on the implementation while having assurances that, no matter what you do under the hood, the user experience does not deviate from what is documented.

> The value proposition of testing is that it documents [...]

No, the value proposition of testing is that it identifies incorrect system behavior before it manifests in live use. Documentation of anything is not the central value proposition of testing.

> the value proposition of testing is that it identifies incorrect system behavior before it manifests in live use.

Incorrect with respect to the documentation, yes. That's what I just said.

Tests are not intended to find undocumented incorrect behaviour. This is provable by taking it to the logical extreme of a codebase that is completely undocumented (no tests). When no tests run, no incorrect behaviour will be uncovered by it.

Only documented cases can reveal instances where the code does not conform to what is documented.

My experience has been that the documentation value of a good test suite is its primary value, by a mile.

It’s documentation a machine can validate, which is the best kind of documentation.

(Static types are documentation a machine can validate, that also happen to be very good communication tools)

I would urge anyone to read this book on unit testing, which is reviewed in this Gist.


Why cant you test third-party code the same as you ideally test first party, by the interface and spec, as black box? Did that, and most often then just happens implicitly anyway in integration testing? Because your code uses third-party as specced? Confused.

Third-party code hidden in a black box cannot be within the purview of your first-party tests. There is no way for those tests to know that the third-party code exists. It's hidden away in a black box.

If a third-party library within the black box is executed during the execution of a test, you may incidentally discovery cases where the library produces something not conformant with your documentation, but that is in no way explicit.

I have the feeling that this is a very high theoretical ebony tower view.

E.g., I have a SWC that stores and reads something, and that similarly uses another SWC to do that.

If I do an integration test to write and then read something, I test very explicitly at the same time that my SWC does what it specs and is expected, as well as the lower layer SWC. (And at the same time this is also then a good regression finder for when you replace the black box you maybe shouldn't know about).

However, similarly I can also write more explicit tests that test the lower SWC in isolation and cover even more cases I cannot cover by just integration testing.

Arguing with purview in testing, and what should be done or not, never helped me so far in my career to end up with good problem and regression finding tests, and provide well working and robust systems. The contrary, discussions and nit-picking at that level are usually a huge red flag. Nice in theory, failed in practice.

I don’t see this as theoretical at all, it’s a pragmatic requirement to not explicitly test the third party tools you depend on. I’d never personally write a test which, in its entirety, calls a function owned by a third party and checks its return value and include that in my CI process.

What would I do?

- Write a unit test for the code that depends on this function, including the function call. I don’t need to test the third party behaviour specifically because I’m really interested in the behaviour of the entire code under test. If the code is broken, my own code shouldn’t work either.

- Wrap and inject fakes for the contracted behaviour. This is usually for things where the behaviour is non-deterministic, say because of a network call. I don’t want CI failing because a third party temporarily fails. I’ve worked under these conditions before and it's really unproductive. Yes, I write tests for failure cases (network interruptions, for example).

- I may encapsulate the database in my “unit,” depending on the application. The frameworks I like to use tend to integrate error handling for the DB, so I’m relaxed about network errors here.

You are then testing other peoples software, which is probably not what you want.

In integration testing I see no issue in using a real instance of whatever dependency but I would never assert on the inner workings of that dependency - that is within the testing scope for the people that did that dependency, not you.

> You are then testing other peoples software, which is probably not what you want.

And if it is what you want, why would you clutter an unrelated application's codebase with those tests? They are tests that apply to many projects. Ideally they would go alongside the work of the third-party, but failing that, surely the are better found in a new project focused on those tests?

If you find yourself explicitly testing a third-party library, you are most definitely not writing an integration test by any common definition (maybe you randomly created your own?). Third-party libraries are not exposed at the integration points.

If they were, what are you writing software for? The work would already done by that third-party, leaving your efforts to be entirely pointless!

You may incidentally test a third-party library when you test your integrations, but that's something else entirely, as has already been discussed.

I'm confused by this line of reasoning.

The point of the black box is that you have clearly defined the expected input and output and don't care about the implementation details of the thing sitting inside the box.

You can test both what you pass in to the black box and what you get out of it. And it's incredibly useful and important to do so. If you aren't testing third party libraries (or other dependencies) in this way, you're opening yourself up to a lot of unnecessary risk.

Those assumptions about your expected output are always there, whether you define and test them or not. So if for some reason the library changes its output unexpectedly and you aren't explicitly testing your assumptions, it can easily happen that you won't find out until it manifests in a production bug.

> I'm confused by this line of reasoning.

That's because you haven't read the discussion. Why would you expect anything else? Your comment straight up reiterates what was already said. For example,

"The value proposition of testing is that it documents the user interface in a way that is independent of implementation, allowing you to continue to iterate on the implementation while having assurances that, no matter what you do under the hood, the user experience does not deviate from what is documented."

Explicitly testing third-party code introduces testing of implementation details. It is impossible to explicitly test another codebase without knowing of its existence. But it is not an area of concern for a first-party application to worry about. The third-party should already have those tests in the third-party codebase.

If a library changes its output unexpectedly, then either:

- It’s a local library so the tests covering your code should fail

- It’s changed in a way you didn’t anticipate so why would testing it directly fail when your prior test didn’t?

- Your end user monitoring should light up like a Christmas tree

What if we switch to the purview of first-party tests of third-party code? Feels like you’re pushing on definitions here instead of matters.

Obviously, you can black box test third party code. It’s absurd to say otherwise.

Sure you can. But why would you test software you didn't write or own?

> Obviously, you can black box test third party code. It’s absurd to say otherwise.

No. You cannot explicitly test code within a black box. How could you? You wouldn't even know it is there. Is it that you don't understand what 'black box' means?

If you remove the explicit qualifier, then okay, but if you do that you would stupidly be having a completely different conversation to the one that is taking place here. The explicit qualifier was explicitly qualified.

> Not really.

Yes really.

> While you may end up testing third-party code incidentally in the process of you testing your first-party code, explicit tests directed at third-party code necessarily requires testing implementation details, and testing implementation details is how you get constantly breaking tests every time you try to change something and developers giving up on testing in frustration.

Depends. I'm certainly not advocating testing implementation details - 3rd party or 1st party - that your codebase doesn't rely upon. That is brittle as you say. But I do advocate for being willing to test anything you rely on - be that documented, hinted at, undocumented, or even explicitly warned against assuming if for some horrible reason you have a terrible need to make such assumptions anyways.

1st party or 3rd party.

When so written, if the tests are brittle, the codebase is brittle, and the tests correctly identify that needs to be fixed. Deleting or not writing the tests won't fix the problem - it'll merely shove the problem into production.

Amelioration might include carefully controlling and vetting updates, switching libraries, writing your own, rewriting your code to make fewer assumptions... or perhaps just yeeting the entire feature relying upon it out of your codebase, if you're desperate enough.

> The value proposition of testing is that it documents the user interface in a way that is independent of implementation

That is a value proposition, but not the only one. Others include simplifying debugging when you break things, when other people break things, and catching bugs before they go live instead of after (even if it'd be trivial to fix when someone belatedly notices.) Fuzzing-generated regression tests are often unreadable garbage when it comes to the purpouses of "documentation", a cargo cult of redundancies and red herrings and voodoo that, once, caused a crash.

Another value proposition - and I do find value in this in bugs caught in my code, their code, and their documentation - is "documenting" my understanding of upstream documentation, for which upstream tests alone will be useless. After all, that verified someone else's understanding, not mine. And it turns out this is important, because the documentation is outdated, the documentation lies, the documentation is insufficient, the documentation didn't consider that edge case, and the documentation foolishly presupposes common sense. Anyone telling you otherwise has a bridge to sell.

Even worse: the documentation may be technically correct... but misleading. Can't even blame the author - it made sense to them!

> allowing you to continue to iterate on the implementation while having assurances that, no matter what you do under the hood, the user experience does not deviate from what is documented.

Such iteration might include updating third party dependencies. I do this frequently. Poor test coverage means heisenbugs and fear around updates. Good test coverage might explicitly compare two different backends, or different versions of the same backend - 100% implementation details - and ensure the publicly visible behavior of my own APIs remains identical when switching between them. This means knowing which versions of which third party libraries to forbid or write workarounds for. Such tests should make no stupid assumptions, but should absolutely test for sane assumptions.

Such iteration might include upgrading compilers. I do this frequently. We've had unit tests catch codegen bugs. This is good.

> Depends. I'm certainly not advocating testing implementation details

Then it is otherwise impossible to explicitly test a third-party dependency. As soon as you state an explicit relationship, then the tests become tightly coupled to that dependency. If down the road you switch out that library for a different one, your tests will break as they explicitly reference that library. This is not where you want to be.

Well written tests will have no concern for what libraries you use. As before, they will only test the outside user interface. How that interface functions under the hood does not matter. As long as the user interface conforms to what you have documented, who cares what libraries you have used? The fact of the matter is that nobody cares about how it is implemented, they only care about the result.

> be that documented, hinted at, undocumented

Only the documented. Anything undocumented will never be considered. As stated in another comment, this is provable by taking it to the logical extreme and assume a program is completely undocumented (no tests). When no tests run, nothing will be tested.

Only the interfaces that which you have documented will be validated when you run your test suite, and they will only be validated for what you have documented as being true.

> Testing third-party code is often well within the purview of first-party integration testing.

Yes, integration tests do tend to cover integration with third party libraries and even entire products (such as databases). But even in integration tests, the third party code is incidental.

For instance, when created integration tests for databases, it's very common to use an embedded or in-memory DB such as SQLite or H2. You want to test integration with third-party modules when it is possible and "cheap", but the highest priorities are testing first-party module integration and having tests than can run fast without requiring a full-fledged replica of our production environment.

If I come back to the GP statement "this only works for code you control", they either meant that you can't use this this techniques unit tests of third-party code or that you can't use this technique in integration tests of third-party code. Either way, it doesn't make sense. You cannot and should not unit test code you don't own, and you're not supposed use mocks (like a mocked clock) in integration tests.

>Yes, integration tests do tend to cover integration with third party libraries and even entire products (such as databases). But even in integration tests, the third party code is incidental.

It definitely shouldnt be. At least, not if you want your tests to tell you when upgrading a 3rd party dependency will break something.

>For instance, when created integration tests for databases, it's very common to use an embedded or in-memory DB

I worked on a project that did this once and they very quickly got blocked writing a test by the in memory database not supporting a feature postgres had.

Result? "Oh well, I guess we dont write an automated test for that." Manual QA's problem now. That's slow.

Realism matters. Sacrificing realism for speed often means you will get neither.

>you're not supposed use mocks (like a mocked clock)

I do do this and it usually works well. Why am I wrong?

>>I worked on a project that did this once and they very quickly got blocked writing a test by the in memory database not supporting a feature postgres had.

>Realism matters

It is often just a small subset of tests which have to be very expensive to build, maintain and run because of an external dependency that cannot be mocked. Mocks work for 95% of use cases and should be used even if it is not 100%.

I never found that to be true and moreover, these scenarios with nonstandard features tended to be the scenarios I was most worried about breaking.

There is also the problem of the in memory database behaving differently when given the same SQL so your test might make it look like everything works while a bug crops up in production.

Realism matters.

> There is also the problem of the in memory database behaving differently when given the same SQL so your test might make it look like everything works while a bug crops up in production.

You've horribly messed up the architecture of your application if that is a problem. (Or you've misunderstood previous comments)

Postgres and sqlite/in memory dbs just behave differently to each other sometimes. Knowing this fact doesn't mean you've messed up your architecture it means that you have some understanding of how these databases work.

Realism matters.

I'd say that in-memory/not-in-memory isn't the big difference - it's whether your database is in-process or not. Even with just a database running on the same node, but in a different process, connected to via unix socket, the context switches alone lead to very different performance characteristics. Actually going over the network obviously changes more. It's very easy to miss antipatterns like N+1 queries when you test on sqlite but run on a shared database in prod.

This is irrelevant for unit tests. Performance testing does not make any sense in build environment, you need to do it in an environment close to production and that’s completely different test automation scope.

You can see this stuff often even in test workloads. But even if you disregard that kind of issue, you still have stuff like needing to integrate networked database connections into e.g. event loops, which you don't really need to do for things like sqlite.

Unless you are working directly with something like reading the signals off the clock on the motherboard you are bound to deal with third-party code when dealing with clocks.

What's the point of your home-made timer if it doesn't faithfully emulate the actual clock that's going to be used in your actual program? How will you have confidence that your tests are even doing anything useful?

There are plenty of things that might be out of your control. If you try to emulate time. For example, the system, when using a realistic timer may decide to do some context switches, seeing how your code is blocking waiting on some wakeup event, while if you test against a timer that tries to speed things up those context switches won't happen. And there could be plenty examples of similar things.

If not, then how are you going to implement your home-made timer? Is your home-made timer going to be an actual timer (i.e. it will have to read time, thus relying on third-party code to do it) or will it pretend that time doesn't exist (and thus test something different from what your code is actually supposed to do)?

Your ideas about "substituting" system clock with hand-written code are out of reach for most developers out there. Even those who theoretically could embark on such a task probably won't because that's just too much effort.

What I'm getting at: the whole idea of mocking time for testing is a fool's errand. You'll be testing things that you don't actually need and won't be testing that actually need testing.

Huh? I take it that you pressed the wrong reply button. Perhaps you meant to reply to this [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38704899] comment?

I recently came across libfaketime. It intercepts time related system calls, so you can set a time of your choosing, starting from program startup.

$ faketime 'last friday 5 pm' sh -c "/bin/date; sleep 5; /bin/date" Fri 15 Dec 2023 17:00:00 GMT Fri 15 Dec 2023 17:00:05 GMT

> For example, you want to test that an entry in a caching library is indeed expiring entries like you wanted. How do you change the library to consume a time interface, if that library doesn't expose it to you?

Intercepting/hooking system APIs might be an option in some cases. You might even be able to use something someone else wrote. Some prior art for date/time stuff specifically (which I haven't used and thus can't vouch for:)



More dynamic / finer grained hooking (e.g. perhaps targeting a single thread, within a function's scope, because you're not writing a command line tool that quickly exits) is likely to require a more manual touch.

In C++, you normally don't -- there are low-level function hooking calls or ptrace api, but those are too complex to be used in unit tests.

The approaches I have seen used in practical projects is:

Ignore unit testing of time-related parts, rely on integration tests.

Have unit tests be super slow so that actual system clock can be used. Get occasional false positive failures when your build system scheduled unit tests in parallel with particularly complex compilation tasks.

Wrap everything in your own wrapper, providing "production" and "testing" version of class, which "production" calling into the 3rd party library while "testing" calls into your implementation that uses debug time. This is non-trivial as "testing" implementation might be quite complex, but may be worth it for some common functionality like timers.

I agree. I first started doing this (instead of the often recommended global monkey patch) when I started programming in Go.

In our main application we pass in a function that returns `time.Now()`, and in tests we pass in a function that returns whatever time object we want.

Then you get too many dependencies and the code is hard to work with because you in turn have too add so many dependencies. This is a hard problem in large programs.

> Time is a dependency like any other

Oh no... not at all. Here are some examples of when your approach turns out to be worthless:

* Performance testing, eg. looking for memory leaks. It doesn't matter how your timer ticks, what matters is that over time the system performance degrades.

* Any kind of hardware testing that relies on sensory input that is time-gated.

* Even "simple" stuff like testing software that does eg. desktop video recording. Still, you cannot substitute the wall clock with whatever timer you will come up with. I mean, in all those cases you "sort of" can, but that will render your tests worthless.

* Of course your home-made timers will prove useless if the tested software has third-party components that don't care about your timers.

Of course some cases can be handled by what you described, but, in my experience, when code works with time, the tests need to concentrate on special cases and those are usually hard to impossible to emulate through home-made timers. Or, they would benefit tremendously from time being real rather than a "surrogate".

None of the scenarios you listed above are unit tests, which I believe is what the OP and the post was referring to.

Sometimes the simplest things are so hard for people to come up with. Unfortunately, people are trying to make their life more difficult than it needs to be -- I think developers are especially prone to trying to figure out their own solution rather than spending a moment to search for it.

All contact with outside world should happen through interfaces with replaceable implementation.

If you care about time related stuff, this should also include time, timers, schedulers, etc.

Make sure you don't circumvent the interfaces by accident. There are stupid ways to do so like getting current time in SQL or embedding current time in new objects by default.

While I generally don't think tests are bad in general this is a wonderful example of the fundamental problem with software development. Essentially, you have a tool that was supposed to make development easier (tests) eventually change the code to become more complicated to make it easier to use that tool with, which makes development harder.

Injecting a Clock or Timer is great not just for automated tests but also for debugging weird behavior. Theres really hardly any downsides.

I'm not sure how that would work. Can you give an example?

Have a look at this method on Java's Instant class for an example.


Code under test creates Instant, so long as it uses the Clock you've passed in, you'll control how it determines when now() is.

You've got several built-in testing clocks like this one[1], but can also implement your own.

[1]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Clock.ht...

Just a class (or struct or module or whatever your language has for that) that has a “now()” method which returns the current time.

And then replace all your calls that do Date.now() with clock.now() and then you can make “now” be whatever you want.

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