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Using AsciiDoc to write my two books (yieldcode.blog)
35 points by skwee357 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

So, LaTeX was not considered?

It is nicely editable in text editors, versionable with git, has CLI tools, has templates that can be used as-is or customized to the gills.

To top it off, it has 30 years of development and packages at its dispsosal that can solve almost every need that arises.

For the kind of writing I've done, I have not seen LaTex offer anything that I could not get in easier ways that worked better for me.

I've never seen LaTex offer anything of value to me. So, no -- I would not use it.

People don't like LaTeX.

I work on a family of ISO standards. Started off using LaTeX 30 years ago, then Microsoft Word, currenly using a custom XML workflow, starting to transition to AsciiDoc+AsciiMath.

I tried AsciiDoc and found it rather limited. LaTex is the way to go for a serious technical book.

I wrote Code Is for Humans (codeisforhumans.com) using LaTex and it worked well. Now it's a bestseller on Amazon :)

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