> also becomes†a minefield if you steer away from The Way
Reminds me of Angular vs React-- In my opinion it's much easier to get immediately productive in React, but it's very easy to produce a rats nest over time if you aren't experienced with the framework. Versus Angular which has a lot of upfront learning curve, but it's prescribed structure makes it fairly easy to scale out the app over time.
Rails is definitely more like React in this respect. It turns out you can absolutely color outside the lines and still enjoy the speediness, but it's not something that I experienced devs should try to do without making a huge mess.
Reminds me of Angular vs React-- In my opinion it's much easier to get immediately productive in React, but it's very easy to produce a rats nest over time if you aren't experienced with the framework. Versus Angular which has a lot of upfront learning curve, but it's prescribed structure makes it fairly easy to scale out the app over time.
Rails is definitely more like React in this respect. It turns out you can absolutely color outside the lines and still enjoy the speediness, but it's not something that I experienced devs should try to do without making a huge mess.