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Wrong. The mistakes of people who do specific jobs tend to be written in blood. Calling yourself an "engineer" does not automatically magically make you become employed in those specific jobs, nor does preventing someone from being called an "engineer" automatically magically prevent them from becoming employed, literally or de facto, in one such job. Words do not have magical abilities. Preventing people from calling themselves "engineers" is magical thinking. It's like superstition. It only works as part of a broader set of rules, where you mandate that only people with the title of "engineer" can do certain jobs. But, that's pointless and wasteful because you can simply reduce that step and say "only people who pass <this set of criteria to be called an engineer> can do these jobs". The added complication of adding a restricted word is just hot air and political razzle-dazzle for the masses.

You don't call yourself an engineer... the State calls you an Engineer once you meet the qualifications and pass the professional licensing Examinations.

You don't call yourself a driver... the state qualifies you to do that.

I'm not legally barred from putting "driver" on my business card in any jurisdiction on earth, so I'm not sure if that analogy holds up.

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