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"Woke" started as a term used by young American social progressives as a reference to becoming aware of things which they had previously been unaware. Sort of a "Neo waking up from being in the Matrix" type of waking from a dream, delusion or false reality.

This could cover almost any social, economic or political issue. Generally though it was used around issues related to race, gender or sexuality. People would sometimes use the phrase "Stay Woke" as a shorthand for something like "Stay aware of racial or gender disparities and work to counter them".

The term was subsequently used in a derisive, pejorative or mocking manner by people who perceived the first group (the "woke" people) to be factually incorrect or excessive in their demands.

People using a phrase like "woke nonsense" are expressing disdain for inserting race/gender/sexuality issues where they don't belong or being frustrated by too-extreme measures being advocated to address such issues.

There's my attempt at writing a very neutral etymology of the usage of the term.

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