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Thanks for the pointer. I've been checking this out, and it looks pretty good.

I can't find any way on the site to ask questions, either of the developers or of the community. What I'm trying to figure out is the semantics of their reading preferences exclusions.

The actual question asks about "types of content that you never want to read about", and that "about" confuses me. Suppose that I choose "racism" there. Does this indicate that I never want to read anything that somebody has tagged as racist (which I think is probably the case, but is less than useful because it seems like darn near everything gets tagged with that one way or another), or is the "about" saying that I don't want to read any meta-discussion of racism, that is, I don't want any books that are "about" racism - which is absolutely the case.

> I can't find any way on the site to ask questions, either of the developers or of the community.

I can see a "contact us" button both on mobile (in the hamburger menu, top right) and on desktop (bottom right corner).

Right now it seems to be a bit too sensitive and hides books a bit too eagerly, but the team is aware of that. That's about the extend of info I have though

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