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This is exactly the problem. Have /you/ contemplated what would happen if you applied that reasoning to any other group (e.g. Jews, Blacks, Oracle employees)?

Anybody who derives their identity from their nomenclature quadruple of skin-color-religion-politics-sex sucks.

Don’t have a problem with white people, Christians, conservatives (the old kind who put America first and didn’t want to reduce the rights of others) and men. Combine all those? Clearly a stunted individual that’s deeply disliked and they know it. Like what kind of man is so lacking in self-assured manliness that they need to include "male" in their identifier? What type of Christian needs to shout loudly near the temple about their faith? Etc.

Have you ever met anybody reasonable who described themselves as a name quad that includes their skin color, sex, politics and religion? I haven’t. I keep trying to come up with a name quad that wouldn't sound super annoying in a hypothetical Twitter bio and I can't find a single combination that doesn't sound like a crazy person.

If you feel justified in actively disliking all members of a particular demographic group because of the beliefs or actions of other members of the demographic, you're either racist or, if that demographic happens not to align with race, merely morally equivalent.

“White conservative Christian male” is absolutely a dog whistle for Christofascists nobody is a fan of.

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