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I found the report that documents the investigation into this bullying. After reading bits of it, Iā€™m shocked that this kind of behavior was allowed to persist for so long. It was clear that everyone knew about the bad behavior for a long time.


I can't reconcile this article with additional background [0]. Maybe what we see here is one party shouting loudest...

[0] https://academicrightswatch.se/?p=4766

That article (at least how I read it via Google Translate) seems to focus on the process and the testimony of one of the witnesses being flawed, but fails to address the fact that there was more than one witness to many examples of this bad behavior (and doesn't even refute that the bad behavior happened at all). So maybe the initial investigation wasn't perfect, but I'm still inclined to believe accounts of unacceptable assholery that were corroborated by multiple witnesses.

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