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Ask HN: Recommendations for privacy-respecting medical patient portal EHR SaaS?
1 point by jph 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hi HN, I'm volunteering help for medical organizations including small-town U.S. doctors and dentists. I'm encountering many technology issues relating to small-business electronic health records (EHR) software as a service (SaaS).

I'm seeking recommendations please for privacy-respecting small-business EHR SaaS.

Must have: sign up a patient; schedule an appointment; send a bill via email; maintain notes; comply with HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA.

Should have: patient portal sign in; save payment methods; messaging among providers and patients; set recurring appointments; import/export EHR into exchange formats such as JSON, XML, CSV, PDF.

I have 100+ companies to evaluate, so I'm seeking HN guidance on any direct perspectives and experiences please.

I'm seeking a service that is not owned by private equity, and that does not sell/share/market patient information.

Thank you in advance for suggestions!

I do not know anything privacy-respecting on the Internets except of illegal stores. Everybody should be obeyed to the law and any streams of fiat money should be perfectly visible to governments. Medicine is among the most regulated areas because people should not even think they can do to themselves anything without some pesky regulations such as prohibition of abortion or the war with drugs or making high as moon prices for some very easy to produce drugs.

For example, what are you going to do if some privacy-respecting medical patient portal's patient plans abortion or euthanasia and it is disallowed by his local government? Only dark web can solve this issue.

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