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And this is why one shouldn't use biometrics.

Doesn't strike me as wise. Your phone is always on you, if you have a biometrics killswitch you're better off than repeatedly entering your password, day in and day out, in public locations where a highly motivated actor WILL be able to figure out your password with mere binoculars and two or three observations.

This is why I hate when I get a 1Password prompt to reenter my nonbio password at inopportune times in a public place. My keystrokes can be secretly filmed from a distance. When I gain access to passwords that I copy and paste by fingerprint, the forcible theft of my machine puts me at near 0 risk. (My preferred way to login while in public.)

You are not leaving fingerprints on your device? Btw. there have been successful unlocks of biometric sensors using photographs of fingers, so you better wear gloves all the time.

>if you have a biometrics killswitch

They'll take your phone, so can't trigger the killswitch.

Reminder to iPhone users that five fast presses of the side button will pop up the emergency calling page; it will also lock your phone in a way that requires your passcode to unlock even if you use biometrics.

From personal experience, this does not work if a cop puts a loaded gun to your head. You will not want to move.

If you spam the button and press it more than 5 times, does it still work?

Just tried it and it appears so (on an iPhone 14, at least).

Yes; spam away.

Android: long press power, tap lockdown or power off or restart on screen. (I wish it didn't require touch screen!)

You can also disable the usage of your fingerprint to unlock the phone with the AdminControl App. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.davidshewitt.admincontro...

Also power + volume down

Know how to disable it immediately. On Graphene and many Android phones, holding down the power button will reboot it with pin required to complete start up.

I recommend everyone to disable biometrics and I have not used a passcode because of the prior vague legal landscape. Always used a password.

Of course, from experience, this does not matter if they do compel you to give up the password by other means (e.g. threatening to harm your family).

Yeah but is still a bigger hurdle to get you to tell them something to know vs give them something you have.

> one shouldn't use biometrics.

How else do you protect against the exploit of security cameras, anywhere you unlock your phone, recording your passcode?

The alternative is a PIN or password that someone could easily watch you enter.

Randomize the keyboard. Use a screen filter to reduce shoulder surfing.


But they have to watch you enter id.

Your face and fingers are always with you and it's easy to force you to open your phone.

You can "forget" a password but not your face.

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