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I used to be in an environment that encouraged that perspective. I didn’t change jobs, I didn’t move home, but I did still change my environment by changing my social circle.

Was it easy? No. Did it take years? Yes. Was it lonely and tough at times? Absolutely.

“The environment decides” is much like “the universe decides” and “it’s out of my hands”. It’s defeatist, and self fulfilling, because the path of least resistance is often not the best path a person can take.

Taking ownership and responsibility for yourself and your life isn’t easy, but it is worthwhile.

"Men shouldn't highlight social problems that uniquely affect them and should instead just stop whining and take responsibility and ownership of their own outcomes" is pretty much a defining attribute of "toxic masculinity."

> Taking ownership and responsibility for yourself and your life isn’t easy, but it is worthwhile.

This is an irony… this is exactly what the world expects of men.

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