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> There is real value in being able to use the same tool to manage AWS/GCP/Azure/etc., Cloudflare, GitLab, VMware

My bad, I did not define meaning of multi-cloud. I meant using AWS and GCP at the same time, doing mostly the same things, for redundancy and no lock-in.

Still I prefer native IaaC tools, it is simpler, faster and more reliable. I'm AWS guy, so Cloudformation for all things infra. It irks me when I see Terraform doing AWS infra. I jump in to rewrite it as first matter of business, lol

Heh, I have mostly worked on AWS but we stopped using CloudFormation because the experience was so much worse than Terraform with the lengthy deploys, no diffs, significant time delays supporting new AWS features, and deadlocks. They’ve added diffs but turning debugging into a half hour or longer break is still a problem.

Another point - you can jump on AWS support to help you with Cloudformation. They'll wash their hands when its Terraform :)

And chasing where the var value actually came from in TF drove me mad few times!

They also did that for Cloud Formation in my experience. It’s better now that you can tell CF to forget about resources but I still get people asking for help dealing with a hung stack.

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