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The magic setting seems to be don't use Github, unfortunately.

There were a couple GH discussion threads about the dreadful UI rollout, but someone complained one too many times about (code) search returning the wrong results so they've since been locked. For me it's the issue search that seems to consistently return the wrong results, and the text input widgets that are glitchy as hell in Firefox.

Performance-wise it's worth keeping in mind that Github is now rendering all the text client side. If you go through the discussion threads you can see where the GH devs didn't know how to account for multibyte codepoints and how that broke their non-native rendering with things like emoji and Chinese characters.

all these posts about how it's so obvious that search doesn't work, but no examples that demonstrate it from anyone.

You're certainly welcome to go find the discussion threads on Github where people were posting use cases and screenshots. I already found my solution: don't use Github.

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