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Gotta pump those MAUs.

Its also a perf / ddos thing. If anyone from anywhere can run expensive searches it could degrade performance. A little log in won't hurt.

Now I just clone the repo and run grep myself. Anything I can do to help lighten the load.

Same, but silver searcher or fuzzy search ftw :)

FWIW, github.dev has a search feature that automates this flow using the fastest available subroutines for each step, all you do is a repo full text search with the same UI as normal VS Code. In my testing it searches about as fast as AG, and much faster than Grep. RipGrep beats it in a direct search time comparison, but the overhead of cloning the files is dominant in large repos. GitHub.dev searches via a .tar.gz archive stored in IndexedDB, which is much faster than cloning even at depth 1 and building up the files on disk (~50% speedup on my testing in very large repos, ~90k files).

Thanks for the pointer.

Bingo. Some product manager is probably getting a fat bonus for that.

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