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TFA is cancer, pun certainly intended. Low effort "summaries" that are completely inaccurate.

The summary for "Study 2" mentions Akkermansia muciniphila--which is not mentioned even once in the linked study.

"Study 3" has absolutely nothing to do with mental health--environmental health, maybe, but nothing whatsoever to do with linking glyphosate exposure to anxiety or depression.

"Study 4" has nothing to do whatsoever with urine, or the "urine metabolome," whatever that is.

The summary of "Study 6" mentions that it is about aquatic organisms like fish and crayfish. It's not--it's about bees and pollination.

"Study 7" is about mouse oocytes--not about soil at all.

"Study 9" is about zebrafish, and has nothing to do with Type II diabetes or CVD in humans.

From Medium:

> Collapse News: News about the Collapse of Humanity

Edit: @dang Can we flag this? This "site" is continually putting out blatantly false information in their articles, and it seems that from a sibling comment [0] several other posts from "Collapse News" have been flagged for similar reasons.

0: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38627430

If I were trying to prevent people from looking at the health risks of glyphosate, I'd flood the Internet with articles and sites like this to make sure nobody takes it seriously.

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