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Ask HN: What 2FA iOS app do you use?
4 points by curious_soul 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Ravio used to be the popular choice but recently it got acquired by Mobime [0], so I am looking for alternatives.

2FAS: Seemed like a good open source app, but looks like it lacks E2EE [1]

Ente is another one that I am looking at.

What is everyone using?

[0] - https://github.com/raivo-otp/marketing-website/issues/19

[1] - https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/add-2fas-authenticator-app/12958/35

I used OTP Auth.app (https://cooperrs.de/otpauth.html) for many a while years on iOS and then on macOS too.

Now I've mostly transitioned to using the built in OTP handling in Keychain. Every so often I find one I haven't migrated across yet.

Another option is HE's NetWork Tools iOS app, which also has an OTP Authenticator in it. I believe it's a lot less integrated though (I don't think it provides a browser plugin, for example).

Was an Authy user for years… now using the built-in 2FA [1].

Converted most of my codes from Authy [2].

[1]: https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/set-up-and-use-2fa-ios/

[2]: https://sixcolors.com/post/2021/07/migrating-2fa-codes-from-...

https://authy.com/ Acquired by Twilio. I'm not even sure if they still update it, last blog post was 3 years ago.

I use 1Password right now, but previously I have used MS Authenticator, Proton Pass and 2FAS Auth. Liking 1Password a lot, since it makes autofill super easy.

Authy because it syncs (iOS and macOS)

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