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Wasn't this Hamas's goal all along? They were losing their reason for existing, so they figured out a way reinvigorate hostilities? It looks like they succeeded.

> If I lost a loved one at the hands of Israel in such malicious and careless manner, I'm never going to not consider Israel as nothing but an enemy.

You could rewrite this as: If I lost a loved one at the hands of Hamas/Israel in such malicious and careless manner, I'm never going to not consider Hamas/Israel as nothing but an enemy.

And so this cycle looks like it will never end.

The cycle ends once there is true justice.

That is: human rights for all (Israelis and Palestinians) and reparations made to those who have been forcibly displaced and killed ever since this conflict began.

agreed, and the idf enforcing equal justice in the west bank instead of allowing settler violence against palestinians to go unpunished and only stepping in when palestinians fight back.

right now, the IDF only perpetuates injustice against palestinians. So the only alternative for them is Hamas. for all the deserved hate Hamas gets, what alternative do palestinian have? the IDF being impartial and enacting justice equally instead of allowing settlers to attack palestinians with impunity would go a long way towards pulling the teerh out of hamas.

So what happens to the Arab Israeli Jews who got forced out of their countries in the 60s and 70s. Do they also get reparations?

Isn't that a lot of what Israel's right of return is supposed to accomplish?

Perhaps some sort of program for Palestinians could be put into place to give them a similar right of return?

That could never happen. Too many of them and too many who hate Jews and Israel among them. Would be too much of a security threat.

Thats actually a very valid point. The mistreatment of Mizrahi's by the Israeli government is well-documented, they deserve justice as well: https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-mizrahi-jewish-refugee-pro...

That sounds reasonable to me.

It is deeply ironic how Israeli ultranationalists and Hamas are fighting on the same side of the war that would destroy both of them, the fight in people's minds for peace.

That’s true. Stuck in the middle are lots of innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians.

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