Hi Guys,
after researching how to continuously aggregate and mine our tracking data (200GB and growing fast) for almost a week, I'm still stuck. Is it just me or didn't I just find the right product yet? I must admit that I'm a generalist developer, no DBA - but to me it looks like all the products I've looked into just don't "feel" right. JasperReports, InfiniDB, Pentaho, just to name a few... it's all - how can I say - crusty, unintuitive, 1999. All the products look very corporate, there are basically no howto's, no prices, no shiny, bold Open Source products that fit my bill. I wouldn't even mind using a good commercial product that does what I want, but even the advertisements are "from DBA to DBA". Lots of termdropping like ETLs, M/ROLAP, BI, Case-Based-Reasoning - but nothing that looks reasonably simple and straightforward. Maybe I'm spoiled by the DX (Developer Experience) that Backbone and Rails give me, but is there really nobody that has done something simpler and more straightforward? Like "these are my dimensions, these are my facts - now generate my Cube here so I can go datamining"? Now I know this is a huge field and I might sound naive but I'd like to know if there are others sharing my pain or having something closer to a solution.
Some more data: I'm lead architect for a Berlin startup - currently we're storing our data in MySQL but moving to Cassandra soon. I'm open to any technologies that could simplify our lives here.
Thanks in advance,
Some saas's:
Another option is to use Excell. With an odbc data source and some materialised views, you can pull stuff into a pivot table and get pretty far on the BI front. Of course, you have to use Windows on the client and mssql on the server side (I currently just mirror my MySql database into mssql on a daily basis).
Interested in hearing if you found other options?