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> I don't know if you looked out a window but the geography of Idaho and Montana looks pretty different than the geography of Kansas, Michigan, Florida, N+S Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, etc.

I can't downvote you since you replied to my comment, but that's a pretty patronizing thing to say, (it's also classic big city elitism). You know absolutely nothing about me, so assuming that I'm some backward uber dumbass who hasn't even "looked out a window" let alone travelled anywhere else is not a safe assumption, and that's before we even get into my experience designing/deploying wireless comm systems. Assumptions like that just make you sound like an asshole.

You replied to a comment stating "Cell-based internet in the US often doesn't work well in practice", and your proof of why it often doesn't work was Wyoming and Idaho. Most of the country (population-weighted, at least) in practice does not look like Wyoming and Idaho. You might as well argue cattle ranching is entirely impractical, just look at downtown San Francisco and NYC. How are herds of cattle supposed to graze there?

Also my comment completely acknowledged I don't know you. It literally states "I don't know if you've looked out a window", so its entirely open to the idea that you have indeed. But then it really makes one wonder why you think Wyoming and Idaho are good examples as to why most US consumers wouldn't be able to get cellular home internet despite knowing the massive geographic and population differences and the challenges those would pose.

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