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Harvard University President Claudine Gay Suspected of Plagiarism (freebeacon.com)
15 points by TurkishPoptart 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I predict this thread will get flagged soon. The underlying topic is a bit too sensitive.

That said, my 2c is that when you are writing hundreds of pages while referencing hundreds of articles and authors within a few months, it is actually quite easy to forget quoting something, especially when citation tools and word processors weren't as advance as they are today. As long as the main topics and major findings within the dissertation were properly cited or are original, that dissertation is valid enough. A few slip ups mean little. Those who dig deep enough to find these and try to make a major case out of them are usually, imo, hired guns executing a smear campaign.

We all know that right now, the media seems to have a bone to pick with people not supporting certain opinions. But that is very "sensitive".

She didn't write hundreds of pages, she's only published a handful of articles, no book, no monograph ever. It's kind of a slap in the face that she's been made president with such a limited CV; she's the ultimate diversity hire. Anyway, your comment is too charitable to plagiarists.

They’re weak on antisemitism and there’s now a mark on their head.

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