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Tcl intros dome-shaped monitors for simulator gaming (tomshardware.com)
3 points by cf100clunk 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

It would probably be best that TCL use the term "sphere sector" instead of dome since they are not fully surrounding devices, such as CONTROL's Cone Of Silence.

> TLC teased its 'X-Intelligence,' what it calls 'the world's first AI model in the display industry,' saying the monitor is made for natural language processing and knowledge reasoning capability surpassing GPT-4.

I should start selling $1000 "AI Enabled Cutlery" or something.

I currently have a Setup with 3 screens a big 4k + a wuxga + laptop. The 4k would work a lot better with dome shape. Now the angle is pretty bad for the lower part.

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