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No it would not have had an effect. And I was younger and learned from those minor prangs. These fancy computerized features will only make new drivers less capable and dull the senses of older drivers. They become a crutch and may cause dangerous situations if these inept people driving vehicles without AEB and other features.

Just hearing the stories the people around me tell me to do with the computerized features like AEB and other stuff makes me keep my car purchases firmly in the 1990s, which coincidentally is one of the best decades for cars.

Like the woz says "never trust a computer you can't throw out a window"

I bet before your first accident you probably thought you were pretty good at driving and "my feet work and so do my eyes." Then I imagine after your first collision you thought you learned from your mistakes and "my feet work and so do my eyes." Then after your second collision you thought you learned from your mistakes and "my feet work and so do my eyes." Then after your third collision...

Just no.

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