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As if anyone would tell you if they had 10 girlfriends on Tinder. The number is just a figure of speech. The effect is real.

Also, I'm probably happier than you will ever be because I live in the truth and am surrounded by honest people who have 0 incentive to pretend or say anything that they don't fully believe.

Your truth is that people are broke[0] because there's too much money[1] and that you don't have a girlfriend because rich people on Tinder stole the women?

[0] they aren't https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DSPIC96

[1] even if that made sense, it's going down again https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL

Yes. More money but with much more inequality which is manufactured by money printing. People who aren't socially connected to money printers are starved of funding in spite of the abundance of money in the pockets of a shrinking number of elite.

And as much as you'd like the second sentence to be true. I'm happily married to an attractive Russian woman. The western brainwashing didn't reach Russia thankfully.

I'm speaking for other guys in the west as I could very well have been one of them if luck hadn't been on my side.

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